Dry Flies for Bluegill fly fishing

If you are new to fly fishing or just love fly fishing for bluegill then you probably know that dry flies are one of the best flies for bluegill.  There are thousands of flies to choose from.  Every fly fisherman has his own choice of flies to use but if you want a good place to start then I suggest using three main flies; the Adams fly, the Parachute Adams fly, and the Griffith’s Gnat.

The Adams fly is my number one fly to choose when fly fishing for bluegill for a number or reasons but the main reason it that it represents a large food supply for the bluegill.  When I start my day out I always start with the Adams fly.  Try this fly out in size 12 or 14.

The Parachute Adams fly is my second choice of flies that I go to when fly fishing for bluegill.  The reason why I like this fly so much is because of its high visibility to the fisherman.  Because of this added visibility you will have a better shot knowing when a fish took the fly.

The Griffith’s Gnat is a favorite among many and for a good reason, it catches fish.  The beauty of this fly is how it presents itself.  It looks to a fish like a dying gnat on the water which is an easy meal for any bluegill.

These are the three flies I use and recommend when I am using dry flies for bluegill fly fishing.  Have fun and as always good luck.


  1. Bluegill fishing is lots of fun and great preparation for harder to catch species like trout. We spend lot of time working with Montana fly fishing lodges and it is a nice break to go down and hit the ponds for some fun bluegill dry fly fishing. I like small foam crickets too.

  2. Yes I agree. Dry fly fishing can improve every aspect of fly fishing for you. Plus when your catching fish it motivates you to learn and grow. I have never tried crickets before.
